Friday, January 4, 2008


Current mood: awake

Just yesterday that I realized
I started to give my trust to someone strange
I talk n tell things like I know him/her for ages
Sumthing that I never did before
Sumthing that make me feel
guilty..satisfied..relieved..shame..bla bla..
A very complex mix feelings that make me
Tremble and think even more
When I woke up the next morning

It took me so long to gain back my trust to someone called friend
It took me so long to be braved enough to b true with my own feeling
But should I be glad with this change?
I just dun have any idea
Wether it's right or wrong things to do
I'm blank...
Let God decides

Perhaps I should edit my profile, the about me one..from 'never express my true feeling about sumthing personal' to 'rarely express my true feeling about…'..huhu…let just wait n c..^_^..n fren..if u happened to read this..just wanna let u know that u r such a bengong great sia2 fren…huhu..though I know u hate me for being such a boring person n annoyed u nearly everyday by telling u shits…but aren't u a great listener?hoho..

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